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Meeting round a table. Photo

Use in standardisation and research

The criteria for cognitive accessibility have been designed with the ambition of providing an input to international standards and legislation at different levels. For this purpose, the criteria have been formulated as neutral statements that can be adapted to fit the context of different standardisation processes. It is important to note that the criteria have been developed in a research process and have not yet undergone any specific process of standardisation.

One of the key outputs of the research project is the innovation process used in developing and testing the criteria. The process for the first time combines stakeholder consultation with iterative development and testing with end-users. The ambition was to develop a more hands-on approach to standardisation.

If you would like to know more about how the criteria and the model innovation process can be used, please do get in touch with us.

If you would like more information about the project, don’t hesitate to contact us at

This project was funded by:

Vinnova - Sweden's Innovation Agency logo